Monday, July 9, 2012

Threats and Propaganda: 30 Years of U.S. Policy towards Iran [VIDEO]

Late last month I addressed a "Teach-In on Iran," co-sponsored by the Peace & Justice Task Force of All Souls and the Granny Peace Brigade and held at the Unitarian Church of All Souls in New York City.

I was honored to speak alongside Phyllis Bennis, Director of the New Internationalism Project at the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) in Washington, D.C., whose credentials and expertise on United States foreign policy and current events in the Middle East, along with her commitment to truth and justice, are not only impeccable, but unimpeachable.

The event was endorsed by Brooklyn For Peace, United for Peace & Justice, Code Pink, WILPF-NYC Metro, Veterans for Peace, Peace Action Staten Island, Jewish Voice for Peace, American Iranian Friendship Committee, Black Radical Congress, War Resisters League-NYC, and Peace Action Manhattan.

My 20-minute presentation, which can be seen below, focused primarily on some of the major falsehoods, misperceptions and double standards regarding Iran in our current discourse.  Phyllis' speech - which followed my own - can be seen here.

[Note: Despite what the frozen-frame on the video screen below may indicate, my talk was not entitled, "I Once Caught A Lie Thiiiiis Big."  But maybe it should have been.]

Many thanks and much appreciation is due to Joe Friendly for recording the event.


1 comment:

Basil Baker said...

It is essential that we prevent the neocons from talking us into a war with Iran. Another war in the MiddleEast would destroy any and all goodwill remaining for the United States. And, for all our faults, the U.S. is still the best hope for a stable world. Keep up the great work!