The answer to all these questions is kill me.
In anticipation of tonight's sad entertainment (no, not The Joe Girardi Show on the YES Network), here's a quick run down of what we're all in store for:

mentions "killing Bin Laden": 1
mentions "justice": 0

begins sentences to nowhere: 16
mentions "hardworking Americans": 6

praises Israel: 2
scratches crotch/picks wedgie: 3

refers to various dark-skinned foreigners as "terrorists," "evil-doers," "bad guys," and/or "people who wish us harm": 8
says that she'll "sure up" the economy: 3

stares in disbelief at his opponent's idiocy: 4
makes off-color, racist joke: 57

mentions, but doesn't elaborate on, reform: 7
brings up freedom or 9/11: 9

lauds his own "good judgment": 4
mentions his affinity for Steeley Dan: 1

is bewildered by straight-forward question and/or passes out: 24
says "Osama" instead of "Obama" accidentally on purpose: 1
I forgot to post this earlier, but here's the final tally based on the VP debate.
"diplomacy" - 3
"killing Bin Lade" - 1
"justice" - 0
"terrorists" - 3 (w/ 2 other semi-mentions)
"praising Israel" - 2
"Russian attack on Georgia" - 0
"a dangerous nuclear Iran" - 1
"judgment" - 2
"9/11" - 1
"Bridge to Nowhere" - 1
"Bridge to Nowhere" - 0
"sentences to nowhere" - 57
"hardworking Americans" - 0 (although Joe Six Pack was mentioned, does he count?)
"victory/winning" - 6
"terrorists, etc..." - 2
"shoring up the economy" - 0
"getting the economy back on track" - 1
"strong fundamentals" - 1
"reform" - 13
"freedom" - 5
"Putin's rearing head" - 0 (sadly)
"confusing Obama with Osama" - 0*
*FOOTNOTE: Whereas Sarah Palin didn't call Obama "Osama" by "mistake," she did one better by calling her debate opponent "Senator O'Biden."
I guess I underestimated her this time. Kudos.